thalissi gold essence
saffron flowers
THALISSI 天然金致精華霜

Thalissi 天然金致精華霜 50ml + Gift travel size 20ml

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西班牙皇室品牌THALISSI 天然金致精華霜 50ml

天然紅金, 御享駐顏 - 藏紅花

藏紅花萃取物對減少紅血絲, 增加皮膚彈性, 緊致度和美白肌膚有顯著功效

日間- 抵禦傷害, 加強肌膚自我抵抗力, 抵禦環境彩妝傷害

夜間- 持續修護, 滋潤註顏, 幫助肌膚新生, 時刻煥然新肌

主要成份: 藏紅花萃取物, 摩洛哥堅果油, 荷荷巴植物油, 大豆提取物, 尿囊素, 胡麻油, 薔薇油, 糖蛋白, 葡萄籽提取物

NATURAL GOLD ESSENCE Saffron & Argan. 50 ml

Exclusive Cocktail Cream, created to combat the effect of wrinkles, and giving the face a new youth, thanks to the properties of saffron flowers. The Saffron, known as the red gold, is considered to be the most expensive spice in the world and now displays its goodness in the cosmetics. The Secret of the saffron flower is the that improves the functioning of the cells and the natural barrier against free radicals, and controls the enzyme tirosinansa, responsible for the stains. It stimulates tissue renewal and stimulates the regeneration of the skin increase-tandola elasticity and firmness.
To Discover the history of saffron, also called the flower, it is essential to embark on a journey in Greek mythology and to review antiquity. Since memorable times, saffron has been used as a medicinal plant to solve health problems such as depression or asthma.
Pioneer in cosmetic treatments, Cleopatra added a few strands of saffron in her famous donkey milk baths to get a golden elixir to preserve her beauty