- Caffeine will stimulate blood flow and help reduce the appearance of cellulite, eczema, stretch marks, age spots, varicose veins and psoriasis.
- Demerara Sugar & Himalayan Salt will exfoliate your skin, removing dead skin, acne, whiteheads, blackheads, breakouts & other skin blemishes.
- Coconut oil will hydrate & moisturise your skin.
- Cocoa & Vitamin E are high in antioxidants which nourish & protect the skin, promoting cell repair & rejuvenation.
- 6 flavor: Honey/ Vanilla/ cocount/ coco berry/ orange/ mint
澳洲有機咖啡身份磨砂 220克
羅布斯塔有機咖啡豆, 荷荷巴油, 扁葉香果蘭果提取物,維他命E, 透明質酸
深層清潔,促進肌膚活力, 減緩肌膚氧化,控制水油平衡, 浸潤保濕滋養
6種選擇: 金裝麥盧卡麥糖, 雲呢拿, 椰子, 椰果梅子, 柑橘, 薄荷